

What Kind of Jobs Can You Get as an EMT?

而成为一名护理人员是emt认证专业人员的典型职业道路, there are plenty of job opportunities in similar or related fields.

When you think of emergency medical technicians (EMT), you probably picture a uniformed professional working in an ambulance, 把病人放在轮床上. This is an accurate image for an in-demand career. 根据 劳工统计局 根据美国劳工统计局(BLS)的数据,预计在2020年至2030年之间,emt和护理人员的需求将增长11%.

而成为一名护理人员是emt认证专业人员的典型职业道路, there are plenty of job opportunities in similar or related fields. The EMT-Paramedic程度 Herzing大学的课程专门为未来的EMTs准备一个有回报的职业生涯, but their training can be helpful to pursue other jobs as well.

虽然其中一些角色可以简单地通过EMT认证或学位获得, others may require additional specialized training or education. 有急诊医师执照, 像下面列出的工作可以是你进入医疗保健行业的一个选择.

1. 应急调度程序

紧急调度员接听紧急电话,并将其引导到有关当局, such as emergency medical teams, police, firefighters and first responders. 他们将向这些人群发送信息,并派出适当的响应小组.

In addition to communicating with different emergency departments, 紧急调度员通常会评估紧急情况的性质,并在现场征求有价值的信息. . 他们还会向呼叫者提供建议,让他们在等待响应小组到达时保持安全.

根据 BLS公共安全电信员通常需要在职培训和额外的认证. Becoming an emergency dispatcher is a great way to employ some of the same key skills you learned as an EMT such as staying calm under pressure, assessing crises and being flexible.

2. 消防队员

你知道吗? 许多消防部门 require their firefighters to be EMT-certified?

消防队员是控制和扑灭火灾并对涉及生命的紧急情况作出反应的紧急救援人员, property, 或者环境. While their duties include preventing fire damage and protecting citizens, 他们经常在一些必要的情况下作为医疗响应者提供医疗保健. 在这些情况下,在评估患者病情时,拥有EMT认证是至关重要的, 处理创伤, and clearing obstructed airways.

成为一名消防员包括其他形式的培训和实践经验, but your EMT certification can provide an important foundation to build on.

3. 急救指导员

如果你有兴趣帮助别人,但不想在第一线工作, consider becoming a first aid instructor. 你可以继续把你作为急救医生的知识传授给新一代救生员, 保姆和其他需要应急准备来履行职责的人.

急救指导员教导其他人不同的基本护理程序,如心肺复苏术(CPR)。, wound treatment and automated external defibrillation (AED). 这些专业人员必须能够教其他人如何应对紧急情况并及时提供适当的治疗.

许多急救指导员以前都有在危机前线工作的经验,如急诊医师或注册护理助理(CNA)。. While it is recommended to have this experience, some positions require it.

4. 救生员教练 


救生员似乎是暑期找工作的年轻专业人士的工作, but it is an extremely important role in maintaining public safety. 根据 美国红十字会, 专业人士每年平均向200多万人传授宝贵的救生技能

救生员监控泳池, lakes, water parks and other aquatic locations to ensure the safety of swimmers. 他们有责任提醒游泳者注意危险并加强水上安全. 当情况发生时,救生员通常必须进行水上救援和急救. 作为一名救生员教练, 培训救生员学习这些重要的规章制度是你们的责任.

救生员教练需要参加救生员教练课程的认证, but previous experience is always welcome.

5. 卫生信息技术员

卫生信息技术人员通常在卫生保健环境中执行行政职责. 许多技术人员将支持或管理患者的医疗记录,并处理记录请求和授权. 虽然医疗记录和健康信息专家不提供直接的病人护理, 他们定期与其他医疗保健专业人员合作,以澄清诊断或获得额外信息.

根据 BLS, 医疗保健方面的经验足以胜任一些医疗信息技术人员的职位, but others require additional education. While you may be required to go back to school to pursue a degree like 健康信息管理,你以前的工作和教育经历可能会帮助你轻松完成这个幸运28计划. 通过获得EMT学位, 你可以将获得的学分转入学士学位课程.


Learn More About Our EMT Programs


* 劳工统计局 (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

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